The 2021 International Research Training Program Scholarship (iRTP) and International Macquarie University Research Excellence Scholarship (iMQRES) round is now open.
The selection processes for candidates commencing in 2021 will predominantly be based on candidate ratings but will also include considerations of the Research Environment. This may include an evaluation of the alignment of the candidate’s project with Macquarie University’s research strategy and research priorities, the quality of the supervisory team and the international standing of the research area. Supervisors are encouraged to engage co-supervisors bringing complementary expertise. Please note that all applicants must provide evidence of communication with the relevant Department/Centre/Faculty prior to application.
Relevant information on the 2021 international round for Partners and applicants can be found on the MQ website.
Please also be sure to refer to
- Information for Applicants
- HDR Scholarship rating sheet
- 2020 iRTP and iMQRes Scholarship Terms and Conditions,
- Macquarie University Research Training Program Scholarship Guidelines , and;
- the HDR Rules, Policies and Guidelines.
Macquarie University also has refreshed English Language Requirements for its Higher Degree Research programs and they are available here;