We are pleased to announce that UIT’s student got his achievement in the AMO2015-UIT Contest.
In the morning of May 16th, 2015, the Computer Engineering Faculty of UIT held the AMO2015-UIT Contest, shortly for “The 10th Annual International Microelectronics Olympiad of Armenia,” and the prize awarding ceremony.
Representatives and contestants attended the AMO2015-UIT’s awarding ceremony
Attendants were Dr. Nguyen Minh Son – Chair of the organizing committee, Dean of Computer Engineering Faculty; representatives from enterprise partners such as eSilicon, Au Viet Smart Solution, ONE Corp. and ICDREC; UIT’s teachers, members of the organizing committee, and bright contestants.
This contest attracted 130 participants who were undergraduate and graduate students from more than 10 universities in the southern region of Vietnam to vie for prizes. Among the projects of the contestants, the ones which were built by the winners were the most outstanding. They received much interest from the enterprises as the projects proved their effectiveness in providing technical solutions for companies. In this contest, Nguyen Danh Hoai Lam, UIT’s student of the Computer Engineering Faculty proudly won the second place.
Speaking at the ceremony, representatives from the entrepreneur said they enthusiastically committed to co-partnering with UIT in organizing the contest. They wished the contest to grow larger in scale in upcoming years. Also on this awesome occasion, the organizing committee gave medals to the sponsors as the heartiest thanks for their assistance.
At the end of the ceremony, the organizers conveyed congratulations to the winners, and the contestants. They also offered their heartfelt congratulations, and best wishes that the winners would get great achievement in the future.
We hope to see you again in next year’s AMO2016-UIT Contest!
Picture Gallery:
Dr. Nguyen Minh Son, Chair of the organizing committee; and Ms. Nguyen Thi Bich Thuy, eSlilicon Viet Nam’s Talent Acquisition Manager awarded the first place prize
M.Sc. Nguyen Van Toan, Vice Chair of the organizing committee; and Mr. Ngo Quang Vinh, Deputy Director of ICDREC awarded the second place prize to Nguyen Danh Hoai Lam
Mr. Nguyen Ha Thanh, sponsor representative, Director of ONE Corp.; and Mr. Tran The Quang, Director of AuViet Smart Solution awarded the third place prizes
The organizers, and the representatives from eSilicon, AuViet Smart Solution,
handed certificates of participation to the contestants
The organizers, and the representatives from ICDREC, ONE corp.,
handed certificates of participation to the contestants
Pham Quan Dung, the first place winner shared his experience in the Contest
Sponsor Ngo Quang Vinh made his speech on the AMO2015-UIT Contest
Dr. Nguyen Minh Son, AMO2015-UIT Chair handed the medals to the sponsors
Organizers, enterprise representatives, contestants took a picture at the closing ceremony
By Do Quang Huynh, Nguyen Thanh Sang
Photo: Nguyen Thanh Hiep, Tutu’s photo
By Duong Kim Thuy Linh
News & Events
AMO2015-UIT's Contest’s national round and Awarding Ceremony
(28-05-2015) (new!)
We are pleased to announce that UIT’s student got his achievement in the AMO2015-UIT Contest. In the...
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